30 April 2015


I was led to the altar after service where Dr. Decker Tapscott ministered regarding talents, distribution, and gifts. There was an open heaven and a time of visitation. I fell prostrate on the floor and the Lord God began to vividly show me this vision.

Prophetic Vision – April 29th   approx. 8:50pm
I saw a large white winged creature that had a problem with its wings and feathers.
The wings were weighted down my many pieces of metal that looked something like silver dollars.
Upon closer look at this anomaly, I saw silver medallions with all over the creature.
The medallions looked like coins but upon a closer look I saw small holes at the top of each medallion and one line of numerical writings on each.
These medallions were attached/knitted to each feather of the creature.
These wings were so heavy with all this metal that the winged creature could not fly or walk.
All I could hear is jingles on the metal clashing together as the creature tried to move.
Then SUDDENLY, I began to see someone carefully and surgically remove each medallion from each feather.
Upon removal of each medallion, corrosive residue from the underside of each metal medallion had each wing soiled.
SUDDENLY each wing became super white (instantly cleansed) and each feather became FLUFFY again.
A few moments later, the lily white winged creature flapped its wings and mounted up.
Once the winged creature mounted up, it moved horizontally (with slight angle upward) at warp speed leaving a blue light trail.

The Lord God gave me an answer to my question of what were the medallions.
The Lord God said these medallions were DOGTAGS of soldiers.
The Spirit of the Lord had walked among the remains of dead soldiers in HIS army.
So many saints have surrendered to the Kingdom of Darkness in the current climax of Spiritual warfare.
The adversary of the Lord God convinced these commissioned soldiers to give up their fight, surrender their weapons and make allegiance to darkness.
This seduced defeat caused the enemy to kill the militarily impotent warriors.
The Holy Spirit was grieved about this surrender and collected the DOGTAGS of the defeated.
He collected the DOGTAGS so the adversary of the Lord would not use them as Trophies of War!
The Spirit of the Lord in the Generals of Faith have collected the identifications markers of the defeated.
These surviving generals of Faith – Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers – have walked around with symbols of mass defeat tied to their defeat.
Each soldier that failed God and surrendered to darkness became tied to the Spiritual ministry of the Generals of Faith.
This soulish tie to the defeated has weighed down ministries of the Lord.
What looks like wealth (legacy of the original commissions of these fallen soldiers) attached to ministry is actually corroding the wings of spiritual flight.
Jesus will come in personally and remove this DEAD WEIGHT of REMEMBRANCE from Generals ministries still in the Fight of Faith.
Once the weight is removed ministries will expand to their original design and take flight.
The flight will be powerful and speedy.
God will move the ministries so fast that they will redeem time for lost time grieving over the dead.
Ministry will travel at warp speed like light traveling through space.
Lightning (word of Jesus) will proceed from the throne in ministries of Generals uninhibited.
The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second.
At this speed you can travel around the equator 7.5 times in one second.
“This is the power I give to you to impact the world for MY Kingdom” saith the Lord.


  1. This was so powerful and a HUGE confirmation for my family. We just left a ministry that deliberately created soul ties between leadership and those who attended services. God gave me a Word of warning to them to sever the soul ties so that the people would be free to draw near to Him instead and learn of Him. They didn't pay any attention to the warning....instead they continued to control and manipulated the people through their witchcraft (OR Dead Weight in this case). A week later God had me repeat the warning about soul ties...still nothing. We were shocked when we saw their hearts really and what they had let themselves become...Narcissists. Only continually seeking out people for what they could get from them....Narcissistic supply...There was no really ministry....well maybe unto themselves. There was zero love for God and zero care for God's people. We were shocked and still are shocked to learn the truth. A couple weeks later and God moved us out of there pretty suddenly. We are saddened that such a ministry that passes themselves off as Kingdom is not of the Kingdom you thought.
    Thank you for posting this and taking me to it! I needed this powerful confirmation to know that I was hearing God correctly and that it's not on us, its on them now.

    God Bless,
